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Mental Health

Primary Care Practice, Urgent Care & Medical Spa located in Amarillo, TX
Mental Health

Mental Health services offered in Amarillo, TX

More than 20% of adults in the United States receive treatment for a mental health concern. If you suffer from severe or ongoing sadness, anxiousness, or constant worry and fear, turn to I40First in Amarillo, Texas. Primary care physician Julito Uy, MD, George Peterson, DNP, FNP-C, and their expert team offer mental health treatments for depression, anxiety, and other challenges you or a loved one may face. Call the office to schedule an appointment or use the online booking feature today.

What are mental health conditions?

Mental health disorders affect your emotions, thoughts, behavior patterns, and overall quality of life. Examples of common mental health challenges include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Attention-deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance abuse disorder

Such disorders might negatively affect you in numerous ways. They can cause problems at work or school, or in relationships. You may lose interest in activities you previously enjoyed, or even have thoughts of suicide. 

Other symptoms of mental health disorders include ongoing sadness, fear, worry, anxiety in social situations, flashbacks, and nightmares. You might feel tired, lose or gain weight, struggle to get a good night’s sleep, or sleep more than usual.

What are the risk factors for mental health disorders?

Common risk factors for mental health disorders include:

  • Family history of mental health conditions
  • Previous traumatic experiences
  • Carrying excess body weight
  • Ongoing stress
  • Past military combat
  • Financial difficulties 
  • Having a chronic disease 

You might feel anxious or depressed because of a job loss; death in the family; divorce; lack of friends and a strong social support network; or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

Do I have a mental health disorder?

To find out if you have a mental health disorder, the I40First team asks about your thoughts, emotions, and lifestyle habits during a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. They also check your vital signs, complete a physical exam, and may order blood tests to detect or rule out additional medical problems.

How are mental health conditions treated?

Some of the common treatments for mental health challenges include making lifestyle changes, taking medications, and undergoing psychotherapy (talk therapy). 

You might participate in individual, family, or group counseling; take medications; get regular exercise; spend more time outdoors; meditate; or use other stress-reducing strategies to improve your mood and quality of life. 

If you have an underlying medical problem, such as a chronic disease, the I40First team can treat it in addition to mental health struggles. 

They customize each mental health treatment based on your goals, lifestyle, and preferences and follow up with you to ensure the treatment improves your mood.

Don’t let a mental health disorder drain your energy and be a negative presence in your life. See an I40First specialist at the first sign of a problem by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.